
What is Enlightenment?

Enlightenment is a window manager. Enlightenment is a desktop shell. Enlightenment is the building blocks to create beautiful applications. Enlightenment, or simply e, is a group of people trying to make a new generation of software.

If you want to learn more about the history behind the Enlightenment Project check out the about pages. For the casual user there are various support resources available. For anyone looking to help out with the project the contributing pages should give you a good idea where to start looking.

Enlightenment News

Ewl 0.5.2 Released
Dec 5, 2007 at 09:30 AM

We made a release of Ewl last night. This is our yearly release (we really have to get these out quicker). Given its been a year there is a pretty big list of changes. The diff file was almost the same length as the code base itself. Below is the summary of changes.

'Trac' project tracker added
Nov 15, 2007 at 07:00 PM

A new project tracker for milestones, TODO lists and even bugs (for those that may hate bugzilla) is now up. is now available for putting up TODO lists and public milestones so peopl can see what we are doing and how its progressing.
