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What's the name of the girl belly dancing?
some this videos are bloqued in my country, I found it very facist..
by the way this group, is the REAL SHIT
I figured out what this song means!..Who's seen 'Silence Of The lambs'? ...Take all parts of the movie...Compare it to the lyrics of this song .
97 people thought that the button meant Dis I Like
jack white.... cudo!!!! wielki, oryginalny artysta
@RedLegBlazer kudos on the BEST comment i've read in a while!
How can something make no sense and still be badass as hell. Great song sort of reminds me of Fuck You Blues by The Electric Flamingos
This reminds me of Primus, Les. Something he would do.
I guess this means im dying my hair red! Love you Jack White! <3
When no one's looking Grammys come alive like Toy Story and give each other Jack White awards.
Jack Lawrence was on camera for eleven seconds....Badass.