I, MARTIN DEVINE, 2123 Ward Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
do depose and say that I recall the late Gustave Whitehead and
an airplane of his construction which I helped push upon more
than one occasion for a demonstration. The plane was heavy and
I do not recall being present upon the occasion of its flight
but believe I arrived immediately after it crashed into a brick
building, a newly constructed apartment house which I believe
was on the O'Neale estate. I recall that someone was hurt and
taken to a hospital, but do not recall what one. I am able to
identify the inventor as Gustave Whitehead from the picture of
this man showed me by Miss Stella Randolph. The plane was heated
with charcoal and the place of most of the experiments was in
the vicinity of the present McKee Place and Louisa Avenue. Whithead
lived on Bates Street (I think about 663 or 664) with some people
named Morrow, renting part of their house, I believe. As definitely
as I can recall the plane was upon wheels.
Signed and witnessed